I use my voice for the Soul Purpose to Connect, Serve, Engage, and Inform.


How to organize business taxes and paperwork for next year

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Explainer

Are you tired of scrambling through piles of tax and paperwork concerns for your business at the LAST MINUTE?!

In this blog post, I will share a few tips to help you with simple and efficient methods to organize your taxes and paperwork for the upcoming year. These simple steps can help you reduce stress, save time, and ensure a smooth tax season next year. Let’s dive in.

Steps to organizing your business tax

Start Early and All Year Long

Starting early is the key to staying organized with your business taxes and paperwork. DO NOT wait until the last minute to gather and sort your documents. Set aside regular intervals, perhaps monthly or quarterly, to review your financial records, update your books, and organize relevant documents such as receipts, invoices, and bank statements.

How to organize business taxes and paperwork for next yearTip: I have a Financial Friday weekly where I download and organize my receipts, expenses, and other pertinent Tax documents.

Create a Digital Filing System

Gone are the days of paper clutter! Embrace the digital age by creating a digital filing system for your business documents. Scan and save your receipts, invoices, and other important paperwork electronically. Organize them in a well-structured manner using appropriate file names and folders. Cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox can be lifesavers for easy accessibility and secure backup.

Categorize Your Expenses

Establish a clear system for categorizing your business expenses to simplify your tax preparation. Create expense categories relevant to your industry or business type, such as utilities, office supplies, travel expenses, or marketing costs. By consistently recording your expenses under the appropriate categories, you’ll have an organized record and make it easier to identify potential tax deductions. Tip: Remember the days of “there’s an app for that.”  Well, likely there is, so if you are a digital doer, look for apps and feel free to share. What templates or formatted docs do you use if you are a Paper pusher?

Keep Track of Important Deadlines

Missing tax deadlines can lead to unnecessary stress. So staying on top of your tax obligations and keeping track of important deadlines is vital. Note the due dates for filing quarterly estimated tax payments, annual tax returns, and other relevant tax forms. Utilize digital calendars or set reminders to ensure timely submissions and avoid any last-minute rush.

How to organize business taxes and paperwork for next yearTip: Add your important dates in your calendar and block out time to address and complete it, i.e., 2 hours to manage Q2 taxes.

Leverage Accounting Software

Investing in reliable accounting software can be a game-changer for managing your business’s taxes and paperwork. I highly recommend checking out some reliable accounting software. These amazing tools can help you easily track your expenses, categorize them, calculate taxes, and even integrate with tax filing platforms. Some great options to look into include QuickBooks, Xero, or FreshBooks. With the right accounting software, you can simplify your tax-related tasks and focus on what you do best: running your business. Tip: Make sure you optimize all the features of your accounting software, I personally use WAVE apps, and I use it for everything. 

Consult with a Tax Professional

When it comes to taxes, getting professional advice is always a good idea. You can chat with a tax expert or a certified public accountant (CPA) specializing in business taxes. They should be able to give you useful tax planning guidance, ensure you’re up-to-date with all the latest regulations, and help you get the most deductions possible to lower your tax bill.

How to organize business taxes and paperwork for next yearManaging business taxes and paperwork can be overwhelming, but getting expert help can give you peace of mind. Tip: I work with a Tax planner/strategist because I like optimizing as many Tax breaks as possible.

Maintain an Up-to-Date Recordkeeping System

Having an up-to-date and organized recordkeeping system is essential for smooth tax preparation. Keyword UPDATE & ORGANIZED! To make it easier, keep your recordkeeping system organized and up-to-date. Schedule regular sessions to update your financial records in your accounting software. Make sure to keep track of all your expenses, income, and any changes to your business throughout the year. And to ensure your records are safe, use cloud storage or backup solutions to store your digital records securely.

Educate Yourself on Tax Deductions and Credits

Staying informed about tax deductions and credits that apply to your business is crucial if you want to save a significant amount of money! You must keep yourself up-to-date with the latest tax laws and any updates that may impact your business. Make sure to conduct thorough research and identify the eligible deductions and credits that are tailored to your industry and business operations.

To save yourself time, money, and stress in the future, it’s a good idea to begin organizing your business taxes and paperwork EARLY and OFTEN. Following a systematic approach and utilizing the right tools can make the tax season a breeze. Cheers to a hassle-free and organized tax season ahead!

We’d love to know how you track receipts and invoices for tax documentation. Any best practices to share? We’d be happy to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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Saundi Harrison-Cooksey, owner and talent of MyVoiceWorks ManagementWhether you’re a small business, a large corporation, or an independent producer, we take pride in understanding your projects and delivering high-quality recordings that go above and beyond expectations because our focus is on the outcome before the income.

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